Tuesday, November 4, 2008

three tres drei tre san

i can't, i won't believe my baby is 3.....

happy birthday my beautiful boy...

Before you cross the street,
Take my hand,
Life is just what happens to you,
While your busy making other plans,

Beautiful, beautiful,
Beautiful Boy,
Darling Jude.


  1. I love you, still :-) I love to see the kind of mommy you are...an amazing one! Whose surprised, you have a great role model! Kiss your mom for me.

  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE MOST AMAZING LITTLE THREE YEAR OLD BOY IN THE WORLD! Holy fun times, Batman...I can't wait for your party tonight. Is it just me or did those three years go by in like a month??? XOXOXOXO

  3. i love jude so much. really...
    i L O V E him.

    happy birthday crazy boy!!

  4. Jude is by far my favorite person in the whole world!! I absolutely love this picture, but why in the world does the name of some dumb so called company have to be at the bottom of it, it ruins it, come on!! Who is that?

  5. Happy happy birthday my little buddy! Seriously that boy is amazing Kennan. I can't believe he is 3 wow.
