Friday, August 10, 2007

"appy appy" to da-ee

YEAH!!!!! trevan turned 26 on the 11th and we had a great party for him. i lub my husband and am so glad that i get to have him in my life. if i had a scanner i would post pictures of how cute he really is. i have 1000's of pictures of him and a lot when he was little and he may have been the most beautiful baby boy. he sure grew up into one handsome man!

one of trevan's birthday presents from his mom was this star wars shirt for jude. i know you can't see it too well but i think it was trevan's favorite present.

fyi.... trevan was and still is obsessed with star wars. sometimes he makes me call him luke, but only when he is in the right mood (if you know what i mean) hehehe

pretty gabi
just one of jude's little tantrums. its really hard to be 21 months, i know.

i worked with jude on singing "happy birthday" all week. by the end all we could do was "appy appy" to the tone of happy birthday. oh well, we tried!

jude loves his mama and da-ee

he also love this ball on the cake. little story is that he threw 3 tantrums throughout the day over not being able to have the ball on the cake. he didn't realize it was made of frosting.

you all should be jealous that jude has rog as his grandpa. he is amazing with little ones and big ones! he played with gabi (and jude) all night. he is so much fun!

i told both of them that this was going on the blog and terri said "good, i want to remember being pissed about rog wanting to put the tables away for good!". i love her.

thank you dustin and brooke

while cleaning up rog put his headlamp on judakins. jude thought it was great and ran around the backyard trying to catch the light.


  1. Oh I know that tantrum look very weel. Ella has learned to throw quiet the tantrum herself. I never had to deal with these kind with Gabby and it is driving me crazy.

  2. Wait.... did Trevan actually get any presents for himself? Besides Jude's shirt and the doormat, of course. And I am a little upset about that doormat. I like your gay pride one!

  3. Oh trevy baby!!!! Happy birthday. We love you so much at this house. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. Oh, and I would like to adopt Rog and Terri! They are AWESOME!
