Friday, August 3, 2007

The Aquarium

my niece and nephew miranda and asher have been staying with my parents for the past 2 weeks for there annual summer visit. we had so much fun and somehow i didn't take my usual amount of pictures. jude loved to see his cousins again and took quite the liking to miss miranda jane. asher is not too sure about the whole baby thing, espcially minie. he did however tell me that if he didn't have his mom, i would be his mom.

the st. georgians don't often get to see their california cousins so after a brief stay in st. george my oh so brave mother brought tucker and abe back with miry and asher. today we all went the aquarium in sandy. we were supposed to go do the alpine slide @ snowbird but got rained out. it was so cool though, i had been there before with my friends but it was first time experience for everyone else.

nannie and her grandbabies

really, its okay if you hate brooke. i do. seriously, who looks this fabulous a month out from having a baby?

i brought landon along a lot this week. he doesn't have any cousins within like 10 years of him.

jude is just like me. we think fish are nasty, eeeeew!

this was my favorite part about miranda's visit, the budding romance between she and landon. they would be an excellent couple don't you think? they really do have crushes on each other. hehehe.


  1. I do hate Brooke and her sexy nursing boobs! And it's not fair for her to be holding such a beautiful baby either! Brat!

  2. Ahem... I don't need such disprespect.. I am handing out thigh rations. Valerie, you're the first to get one!

    Kennan stop copying my posts.. our blogs need not be TWINNERS!

  3. Such a great day!! M and L make such a cute couple! Let's see...if they wound up together they would be Jude's cousin and uncle???
