Sunday, August 12, 2007

Just They Way You Are - 3 years

three years ago i made the best decision ever. i married my wonderful husband trevan. i dated trevan for 2 years before we got married. we dated so long for a number of reasons, the first being i had a missionary out that i loved very much. i knew i could be happy with both of these men because they were both wonderful. it was a rough time especially for my senor because like he says he was ready to get married after 2 weeks. i eventually chose trevan and truly it was my best decision ever. i have often heard that you don't know who you marry until after you marry them and i couldn't agree more. i knew trevan was good but i didn't know how good he was. he is my perfect match and there is not a day that goes by that i wish i would have married the other one. he is my favourite and my best!

we got married the day after his birthday so pretty much its a party 3 days straight when that time in august comes around. this year we went to park city for the weekend and had so much fun just being with us. we mostly just relaxed and looked in each others eyes.......

we ate at squatters and look what was on our table...... it was trevan's special day!

hello senor!

I said I love you and that's forever
And this I promise from the heart
I could not love you any better
I love you just the way you are


  1. those are some pretty fabulous shirts trev has on!

  2. I'm glad you married Trevan, too, because the 2 of you made the cutest boy ever!

  3. what a beautiful couple, you two. oh you're gorgeous KEENAN!! aaaaaa!!!!

  4. Hi Kennan this is Megan Beck!! I hope you dont mind that I checked out your block. Amber was telling me that your name was on Robyn's block so I had to check it out. Your little boy is so cute!! You look good and congrats on being pregnant.
