Friday, August 17, 2007

date night with mommie & daddie

after being sick and in the house all day i was ready for a hot date with my boys. trevan needed to go to gateway to look at bike helmets so we went and ate at 1 of our many favorite mexican restaurants The Rio Grande Cafe downtown. turns out its delicious. my family has been going there forever but somehow it reminds me of my sweet senor. if you go there don't let the crazy crack heads on the street scare you, the food is kind of perfect!

beautiful beautiful boy

ok fine. so i broke my own rule. i always swore i would not be the mom with the white trash baby in a diaper running in the fountain at gateway. yet here we are watching jude having the time of his life.

this one is for you mom. your service did not go unnoticed to jude. he was proud of hims nannie's name on the wall.


  1. I think I want to be in your family. In another year or two you can have 2 kids in the fountain! I lub that adorable boy! XOXO Nannie
