Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Gravely

My Dad's favorite thing in the world was purchased this summer, THE GRAVELY. All in all its just a lawn mower but its so much more than that for my Dad. He has hired out to have his yard work done ever since I can remember, in fact I have never even mowed a lawn. This year he thought he would save some money and do it himself. It hurt him to see (literally) that in all the years he hired out he had actually grown old and was not the spring chicken he once was. After a few thrown out backs he decided to buy a riding lawn mower and not just any lawn mower, the Gravely!!!! He remembered seeing them used at the Little America in Cheyenne growing up and he knew they were the best and if you know my Dad he HAS to have the best. He claims he likes this more than any BMW he ever owned.

So the other night we decided Jude was ready to try it out but not without taking proper safety precautions, he had his car seat. The girls yelled into my Dad to come help us and he came running out to see Jude ready to mow!

Friday, September 22, 2006

Jude Love

Jude is a cheeser. Whenever the camera is out Jude is cheesing. It's pretty funny. We love him and how happy he is. I can't believe he will be 1 in a little over a month. :(

jude and his 1st oreo

don't even think about removing him from that cart

Saturday, September 9, 2006

Just Jude Recovering

Jude is doing well. We are less scared about going out in public with this past treatment. We don't mind the stares. We know he doesn't look like this all the time. People are either overly nice or they ignore it. Whatever, we just love Jude. Although, he does notice his PWS now in the mirror because of how purple it is.


w/ Mom @ Naartjie

Jude's favorite person LANDON

Wednesday, September 6, 2006

Round Two: Jude vs. Pulse Dye Laser

Well here we are again, the worst is over. We had Jude's 2nd laser treatment this morning and it went well. Poor little Judakins had no idea what was going on. Even though he was on a 12 hour fast the little guy was so happy. He was smiley even when I handed him off to the anaesthesiologist. He got a little nervous when all the nurses and doctors were walking in and out of the room, but he remained our smiley Jude.

While we were in the waiting room and my nerves were out of control, a baby girl came in the room with a PWS on her face. It covered her right forehead, eyelid, and part of her nose. She was a darling little girl but it made me grateful for where Jude's birthmark is and that he is a boy. Although this is hard for us and Jude, I am sure or at least hopeful that he will be thankful we did this for him at such a young age. I think that is what gets me through these times. I am grateful OVERALL that this all the problem that Jude has, I know how much worse it could be.

As I said the procedure went really well. Dr. Vanderhooft saw progress and said she was going to raise the intensity of the laser. She thought his storkbite was pretty much gone, but with one last treatment it would be a thing of the past. Jude woke up really upset and kind of delirious. They had to put a tube down his throat and you could tell that his throat was hurting. Grandpa Rog was there and it was funny because when Jude saw him after the surgery you could tell he was sad because he was in too much pain to play but wanted to play. He LOVES to play with Grandpa, but not today. In recovery he cried pretty much the whole time and only wanted me (which is comforting to me). As soon as we left the operating room area he was fine. He slept the entire afternoon and woke up eager to play and eat.

I will keep on updating the blog with Jude's progress. Thank you for all the love and support you give our little Jude.

Gilbert Odin Lamoreaux

Robyn and Bob decided on a name for their little baby boy, Gilbert Odin Lamoreaux. He is still in the NICU with Respriatory Distress Syndrome. They are hopeful he will only need to be in there about a week. Lil Gil is in our prayers and I can't wait to meet him.

Sunday, September 3, 2006

Baby Boy Lamoreaux

Robyn and Bob welcomed their 4th child into the world today at 11:36 am. He was 7lbs 7 oz (just like his cousin Jude) and 19 1/2 inches long. I lub him already. They haven't named him yet so I am anxious to hear what we will call him. He is in the NICU right now because of fluid in his lungs and we are all very worried our newest little guy. Robyn is doing great and I will keep you updated.

Congrats Robyn and Bob!!!!