Saturday, July 30, 2011

batting 600 + 24th of july

my dear friends...
600 posts!
can you believe it? i can.
i lurve blogging.
i may even do my first giveaway in celebration.
stay tuned. 

and now we can move forward...

there are many pluses to being a gregory... too many to count. one of the best parts of being a "G" is that i get to be a part of the 24th of july bee's game tradition. this family tradition is truly, the bee's knees.

my very first 24th of july experience w/ the greg's circa 2003
{yes, trevan looks as if i just picked him up @ preschool.}

this is a pretty princess & she is adored.

this is a baby & he loves his mama

these are the bee's and the rainiers & the rainiers have a player that was stabbed
what did we do before iphones and wikipedia?

this is cam & he loves eating candy

this is my husband, my fweethart & he LOVES baseball... so much.

these are true blue grandma's, the best they come & the love my babies.

this is taylor and cammie and a creepy bubby & they are "just friends".

this is far less creepy bubby & he is adorable.

this is that same baby & he can't take his eyes of his mama

this is landy & he is a teenage dream.

this is morgan and ted & they are REALLY cute together
would they just get married already? yeesh.

this is taylor and me & I write this blog... 600 and counting!
{you may ask yourself "where is jude?", well he was not available for documentation. just know he was there and he was in 7th heaven because his yaya brought him a transformer toy, a transformer sticker book, a glow stick hat, candy, and all his favorite people.}

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

dear 4th of july,

you are always the best holiday, i have yet to be disappointed. i made sure our day was filled with the usuals (parade, breakfast, naps, sidewinder falls, best friends, sugarhouse park, chik-fil-a nuggets, magazine reading, gossip and of course fireworks). the kids looked amazing in their 4th of july duds, really really amazing. robyn and her family were here (* best 21 days of jude's life) and there was not.a.dull.moment. the sound of laughter could be heard from sea to shining sea. like i said, 4th of july... you are my favorite. i am so sorry i didn't charge my camera to document you more clearly. it would have been nice to document trevan in his wet white shorts going down the slide, but most importantly to document ezzie's 1st independence day. such a silly thing to forget, i should know better! thankfully, brooke  that 'no-talent-ass-clown'  had her camera so we did get some photos of the day. i'm also grateful that nannie and brooke have already made their 4th of july tributes to you on their blogs.

until next year dear friend,


 me parading about with tiff, cashie and ez...
jude, shmezra, and a pouty pretal

ever handsome trevan, ez, and ezra's nostrils.

 uncle sam...

21,22,31,32,33,34,35,41,42,43,51, and 52(crying in the background)

my crazy dad and his numbering system....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

i just got cooler.

today's hip thing... instagram.

i joined.
i'd love for you to join me too because

you will enjoy jems like these, daily.

kennang @ instagram 
{follow me, i follow you}

Sunday, July 10, 2011

learning to swim, but i aint got fins

i love water.
i love the sun.
i love swimming.
i love kids.

therefore, i need swimming kids.

my heart. my joy. my boy.

could i love her more?


we are so ready for round 2 next week.

[ side note: here is what happens when best friends marry sisters.... you do everything together, or at least that is the case with the jackson's and us. why would swimming lessons be any different? ]

Thursday, July 7, 2011

ezzie on the iphone v2.

once upon a time i had a third child....
and he was neglected when it came to scheduled photo shoots.

really, it is a good thing i have an iphone to document his life.