Monday, November 22, 2010


where have i been? busy.

busy gestating.

i cannot believe i am 29 weeks.

kind of makes me sick to my stomach that in about 2 months time i will be a mom of 3. really, 3 kids is a lot more than 2. as much as i am ready to be done being pregnant, i am also equally as terrified and want baby boy to stay in as long as possible. he will be here feb. 2nd, if he doesn't come before that, which he can't come before that because we are not ready.

did you know we don't have credit cards anymore? well, we don't. and because we do not have credit cards we can only do what we can when we can afford it. which i think we were suppose to be doing all along.... it's been a REAL wake up call for us on how to live on what we make. the list of things i need to get and get done is longish and the fundage is lowish. not complaining, trevan makes a good living, things are just a lot different than when we use to 'finance' things. like, i really have to get a new car seat, bunk beds and mattresses for the j and g, bedding, decor, and a new car. oh, and then we have to throw christmas in the middle of that. the new car is not happening any time soon BTW. turns our we are like $3000 upside down in our little station wagon.... warms my soul. so we are going to do our best and squish the gregory trio in the backseat until we can even out our debt on the car better.

all of these things are manageable, i know, and definitely more manageable for someone who is not me. i am an anxiety ridden fool. my heart races as i go to sleep at night worrying over trivial things. however, i am pregnant as it turns out and the whole 'nesting' thing is real. i feel the need to finish things and when i can't do that, it's a mess for everyone involved. patience is not one of my strengths.... especially while gestating.

however, staying slim is a strength of mine while pregnant... seeing as i am now classified as a duplex. did you know i am measuring 5 weeks big? yes, 5 weeks. no, i am not having twins... i am just large and in charge. 5 weeks.... yes. i can't complain too much because it means i am healthy and growing and that in turn means baby boy is too. he is by far and above the most active of all my children, hims a busy boy. he thinks sometimes that it is time to come and likes to give me contractions and loads of pressure down yonder but we talked, and he is staying put until he has a bed to sleep in (which my mom is whipping up her best crib set to date) and a seat to ride in.

speaking of baby boy.... he is a stranger. i am pretty sure he will remain unnamed until he has to go to kindergarten and no one can refer to him has baby boy anymore. it's just that no name seems to fit him. we were not 100% sure what we would name the other kids but we had strong contenders. not with this one, it's all sorts of indecisiveness. i mean, find me a name that goes with jude and greta will you? it's a hard task.

interesting right? probably not.

that's what is going on with me and my baby on board.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

a jude party


i am still recovering from jude's birthday. as i have said before, birthdays are a big deal in my book. never the less, it was a birthday for the books.

jude woke up at 7:00am ready to open presents. he was up 3 times in the middle of the night mumbling tings about his birthday. jude has never been more excited. he was a very patient boy because i made him wait until 8:15 to open presents so greta could get a little extra shut eye on our big day.

jude loves himself a little toy story 3 and imaginext never disappoints.

later that same day (it felt so much later, 7:00am is not our normal wake up time) we went to mcdonalds with some friends for a b-day party. i have also said before that the birthday parties at mcdonalds are the best and most affordable thing ever. we love mcdonalds, even if our favorite city does not.

some of the birthday party crew. in attendence this year were: roen, milo, lucy, cohen, eden, minie, poppy, and of course greta.

ich liebe dich.

jude and roen... carrying on the williams/holmstead best friend tradition.

have you ever seen a cuter boy? debatable.

yaya and momo were REALLY lucky this year because they got a specific invitation to jude's mcdonalds party... landy came and that was just icing on the cake for jude. turns out they were celebrities for the 5 and under crowd. also, when morgan walked in lucy wanted to know who that princess was. lol.


we had had a party planned at our house that evening but the day before his birthday jude told me he wanted to go somewhere else, like rock creek or something. he did not want me to take down halloween before his birthday and i concurred. so rock creek it was... and it was delicious.

a big crowd for a big party for a big jude

my 2 favorite men and my all time favorite red head.

our peeps.

jude and hims star wars legos. he got 2 more sets for his birthday and he is thrilled to the gills. notice the age on the box? well, between he and trevan they meet @ 12, perfect.

there was a mean game of star wars 'pin the tail', always hilarious.

you know what they say about women and desserts? well, its true.

gabi and bella took down the ice cream like it was going out of style.

greta preferred the icing.

jude loves his dad so much, especially when he puts together lego's with him. don't worry because the lego building is still going on this morning. it's pretty cute that trevan is as into it as jude.

jude has told me since that i am the best momma. i will throw him a party everyday if i could make him feel that way forever.


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

jude is 5

jude malcolm gregory
7.7 lbs. 21 in.

my first born.
my son.
my jude.

this was the first time i met him... right after they wheeled me out of recovery. i was in awe, he was mine. i saw his little elf like face and i knew that instant he was ours and i would adore him forever. five years later, i still feel the exact same way every time i see that precious, perfectly imperfect face. i am the luckiest mom in the world, i get to have jude.

i was made to love him.

and so was his (14 year old) dad.

what a proud papa jude has made him. trevan may have been skeptical about parenthood so early in our marriage but the minute jude was placed in his arms he was transformed... into a father, a role he was born to do.

happy BIRTHday jude.
i will celebrate you forever.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

a weekend of halloween

was your halloween week as long as mine? probably. i don't know if its because we have been halloweening since sept. 1st or if its because i am 26 weeks pregnant. either it was long and drawn out, mixed with the sheer joy of watching my kiddies.

jude's halloween parade

jude as raphael. (date purchased: sept. 3rd)
what you are not seeing is his karate kick mid-parade that brought the audience to tears.

greta was ready for some rug time with jude at school, really we couldn't get her off the rug.

the first of many halloween poses

sunrise assisting living trick-or-treating

poor grannie billie has a slight case of alzheimer's and did not remember that she had okayed ll of us coming to her place for their halloween celebration. when my parents got there, they found that she had locked herself in her room with all the madness and only answered the door after some serious pounding that could surly not be children trick-or-treating. when my mom reminded her that we were all coming she was a little upset but went with the flow after my mom talked her down. it was sort of hilarious, she was going to make my mom sit at her door and hand out candy. when my mom insisted that grannie did participate and hand out her own candy, she settled down and i think enjoyed herself. how could she not? she has some damn cute great-grandkids.

pose 2.

greta as barbie from toy story 3.

keep in mind i had lots of really cute ideas for costumes for gaga but her only reply was "NO, baabee!". who can say no to her? surly, i cannot. most people though she was jane fonda or some shiz. ummm, live in the now people.

see? the resemblance sends shivers down grown men's spines.

greta was ready for some trick-or-treatin', especially when she found her pal buzz and woody were there. there are no such things as strangers when toy story is involved.

this poor old lady caught greta's eye and greta would not leave her alone. i am not sure whether this lady was 'half a bubble off' or just too nice to tell greta to go away after her 6th time back asking for candy. either way, it was adorable.

STOP THE PRESS... my dad was at a family event that A. was not at his own home and B. that involved both grandma billie and the grandkids. yes, robyn it's true and i had document this. also, does it not look like he himself would fit right in @ sunrise? with the black church sock and ghostly white old man leg, i am surpised he wasn't asked to sit by a door and hand out candy.

i love that dad of mine.

nothing done with the gregory's and the jackon's is complete without a greta and poppy fight. dustin is sure its always greta's doing but i've seen poppy regulate. (note: do not try to take anyone's but poppy's side around papa bear dustin) brooke and i just laugh at their adorable attitudes, because after all, sometimes best friends fight.


my kids with their people, yaya and papa.

i feel really bad because we had to tell trevan's parents to come to our house this year. at this point, halloween is pretty complicated and we are beyond the point of visiting grandparents. still, i felt bad. they are the best grandparents ever because they didn't even bat an eye and were hear in a heartbeat. yaya even helped me vacuum while i dressed my kiddies... i told you, they are kind of the best.

we have started a tradition of having the jackson's over on halloween. the kids roam the streets of white city begging for candy and then we come home to a warm fire and dine on pumpkin faced pizza's. so far, it's a really nice tradition. also, this year, since we were not traveling to grandparents, my mom and dad joined us. my mom is da best, nuff said. we even got to see moey and ted too. it was a swell night spent together.

stud muff & barbs
(with the addition of the turtleneck under greta's spandex body suit she kind of turned into a female body builder, which also hot in its own way)

pose 3.

greta and poptart.
see? they are best friends... that is until a toy comes between them.

minsie and jude.
the look on minie's face perfectly explains their relationship, adoration and it goes both ways. from the moment minie arrived on this earth she had a best friend.

barbie butt.

pose 4.

it was preezing cold outside and the kids all took turns snuggling their daddie's to keep warm. they had a bawl. minie and jude scared people by saying "BOO!" in a variety of voice instead of saying "trick-or-treat" and it was received well. we all made it home with enough candy to last until christmas.

it was delightful, even for my fat pregnant butt.

happy halloween.

argh... now i have to de-decorate. the WORST.


did you know that i turned 28 on 10/28? well, i did. did you know that i have been waiting for my golden birthday since i found out what they were in 1st grade? well, i have been. AND it did not disappoint.

trevan took the day off and we had a gay old time... which included a late breakfast, a visit from brooke and the girls (whilst in my robe... a vision in its self), lunch with yaya at cafe rio, a doodle (nap), and dinner with mi familia at cheesecake factory at which point i was spoiled rotten.

a much better birthday than last years disaster... OH, and yes i am willing to acknowledge that i am sort of a baby about my birthday. i really can't help it because my mom made birthdays a REALLY big deal growing up and i in turn make birthday a big deal (not just my own). trevan never refrains from reminding me of what a baby i am about my birthday. that being said, i don't need everyone to drop everything and celebrate me on my birthday... just him. luckily for both of us, he did exactly that this year. good on you, senor.

and well done on my golden present for my golden birthday.

looking forward to my 28th year and all that it bring with it, especially my new baby boy.